Rising trend in the number of visitors per year
In the year 2022 we set a new visitor record: after the forced closures caused by the pandemic, the number of visitors and events participants exceeded by far that of 2019 (over 180,0000), confirming a rising trend and reaching an impressive 213,965.
The Botanical Garden played a crucial role in the total number of presences within the cultural heritage sites of the University of Padua in 2022 (310,000 visitors), which includes Palazzo del Bo (62,845 visitors), Villa Parco Bolasco (17,249 visitors) and the museums included in the Grand Tour of the Sciences, i.e. Archaeological and Art sciences, Sala dei Giganti at Palazzo Liviano, Geography Museum, Giovanni Poleni Museum, and the Enrico Bernardi Museum of Machines (14,962 visitors).
The University of Padua Rector Daniela Mapelli shares her thoughts: 'Having exceeded three hundred thousand visitors to the museums of our university is a symbolic goal that offers a great sense of satisfaction. As we celebrated our 800th anniversary, we demonstrated our ability to enhance a diverse and beloved cultural heritage that pays homage to the multidisciplinary figures and founders of the University of Padua as culture proves to be a universal language capable of attracting visitors not only from Italy but from all over the world. A language we must continue to speak fluently. In 2023, we will inaugurate a new Botanical Museum, complete with a revisited layout, and a Museum of Nature and Humankind that will stand as the largest university scientific museum in Italy'.